What is a Home Warranty?

How UPKEEP Works
Every new UPKEEP customer has their own personal “Home Manager” who is responsible for your home’s care. They will schedule your Preventive Maintenance, answer your questions, and help you with any claims you may have.

For your initial visit we log all model and serial numbers of your covered appliances and systems. We know the details of your home in and out and can often bring parts on the initial call, saving you time, hassle, and frustration.

Our trained employees come to your home four times per year to maintain your home systems and appliances. Routine maintenance service provides peace of mind, knowing that a claim cannot be denied due to lack of maintenance. Plus, our maintenance program also includes a Spring and Fall Clean and Check on your heating and cooling systems, which means you will save money when you no longer have to purchase a separate HVAC service contract.

When you have a problem or need to file a claim, your Home Manager and our maintenance professionals respond quickly and proactively. Items that can’t be repaired will be replaced. After any work, we repair the drywall to ready-to-finish status, saving you time and money on a separate contractor.